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Download 737 Zibo Mod - The Most Realistic and Detailed Boeing 737 for X-Plane 11


How to Download and Install the 737 Zibo Mod for X-Plane 11

If you are a fan of flight simulation games, you might have heard of the 737 Zibo mod, a free add-on that enhances the default Boeing 737-800 aircraft in X-Plane 11. The Zibo mod is a project taken on by a group of developers who aim to expand the realism of X-Plane's default 737. They have added immense system depth, new visual features, improved flight dynamics, realistic sounds, and much more, making an aircraft that is, as many would argue, payware quality.

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In this article, we will show you how to download and install the latest version of the 737 Zibo mod for X-Plane 11, as well as how to configure it according to your preferences. We will also give you an overview of what to expect from flying this amazing aircraft in X-Plane 11.

Step 1: Download the base package and the latest update

The first step to install the 737 Zibo mod is to download the base package and the latest update files from the official sources. You should avoid downloading from unofficial or outdated sources, as they might contain errors, viruses, or incompatible versions.

The official sources for downloading the 737 Zibo mod are:

  • The on This is where you can find all the information, announcements, changelogs, download links, and support for the mod. You need to register an account on (free) to access this thread.

  • The . This is where you can find all the files for downloading. You need a Google account (free) to access this folder.

  • The . This is an optional tool that allows you to update your mod within X-Plane 11 without having to download manually. You need a Google account (free) to use this plugin.

You can choose between two versions of the mod: the stable version and the experimental version. The stable version is the one that has been tested and verified by the developers and the community, and it is recommended for most users. The experimental version is the one that has the latest features and improvements, but it might also have some bugs or issues, and it is intended for advanced users who want to try new things.

To download the base package and the latest update files, you can use either a web browser or a download manager. A web browser is the simplest way, but it might be slower or less reliable. A download manager is a software that can speed up and resume your downloads, but it might require some configuration. Some examples of download managers are .

Here are the steps to download the base package and the latest update files using a web browser:

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  • Go to the and sign in with your Google account.

  • Open the folder named B737-800X_3_34_rc. This is the folder for the stable version of the mod. If you want to download the experimental version, open the folder named B737-800X_3_34_test instead.

  • Download the file named This is the base package file that contains all the essential files for the mod. You can download it by right-clicking on it and choosing Download, or by clicking on it and then clicking on the Download icon on the top right corner.

  • Download the file named, where X is a number. This is the latest update file that contains all the changes and fixes for the mod. You can download it by following the same steps as above. Note that you only need to download the latest update file, not all of them.

Here are the steps to download the base package and the latest update files using a download manager:

  • Go to the and sign in with your Google account.

  • Open the folder named B737-800X_3_34_rc. This is the folder for the stable version of the mod. If you want to download the experimental version, open the folder named B737-800X_3_34_test instead.

  • Copy the link of the file named This is the base package file that contains all the essential files for the mod. You can copy it by right-clicking on it and choosing Get link, or by clicking on it and then clicking on the Get link icon on the top right corner.

  • Paste the link into your download manager and start downloading.

  • Copy and paste the link of the file named, where X is a number. This is the latest update file that contains all the changes and fixes for the mod. You can copy and paste it by following the same steps as above. Note that you only need to copy and paste the latest update file, not all of them.

Step 2: Extract and copy the files to the X-Plane 11 aircraft folder

The next step to install the 737 Zibo mod is to extract the zip files that you have downloaded and copy the files to the X-Plane 11 aircraft folder. You will need a file archiver program such as to extract the zip files. You will also need to know the location of your X-Plane 11 installation folder, which is usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11 if you have installed it through Steam, or in C:\X-Plane 11 if you have installed it directly.

Here are the steps to extract and copy the files to the X-Plane 11 aircraft folder:

  • Open the file archiver program and locate the zip files that you have downloaded. They should be in your Downloads folder or in the folder that you have specified in your web browser or download manager.

  • Extract the zip files to a temporary folder. You can do this by right-clicking on each zip file and choosing Extract here, or by selecting all the zip files and choosing Extract to B737-800X_3_34\.

  • Open the temporary folder and you should see a folder named B737-800X. This is the folder that contains all the files for the mod.

  • Copy or move this folder to the X-Plane 11 aircraft folder. You can do this by right-clicking on the folder and choosing Copy or Cut, and then going to the X-Plane 11 aircraft folder and choosing Paste. The X-Plane 11 aircraft folder is usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Laminar Research, or in C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Laminar Research.

  • If you already have a previous version of the mod installed, you will be asked to overwrite some existing files. Choose Yes to all or Merge folders, depending on your file archiver program.

  • To verify that the installation was successful, you can check the file structure and version number of the mod. The file structure should look like this:

B737-800XThe main folder of the mod.

B737-800X_3_34_rcX.txtThe text file that shows the version number of the mod.

fmodThe subfolder that contains the sound files of the mod.

objectsThe subfolder that contains the visual files of the mod.

soundsThe subfolder that contains some additional sound files of the mod.

B738.acfThe main aircraft file of the mod.

B738_cockpit.objThe cockpit object file of the mod.

B738_icon.pngThe icon image file of the mod.

B738_paint.pngThe paint image file of the mod.

B738_prefs.txtThe preferences text file of the mod.

B738_thrust_config.txtThe thrust configuration text file of the mod.

The version number of the mod should match the one that you have downloaded. You can check it by opening the text file named B737-800X_3_34_rcX.txt, where X is a number, and reading the first line.

Step 3: Configure the mod settings and preferences

The third step to install the 737 Zibo mod is to configure the mod settings and preferences according to your liking. The Zibo mod has a lot of options and features that you can customize to suit your needs and preferences. You can access the Zibo mod menu in X-Plane 11 by pressing Menu on the FMC (Flight Management Computer) keypad, and then pressing LK1 (Line Key 1) on the left side.

The Zibo mod menu has several pages that you can navigate by pressing NEXT PAGE or PREV PAGE on the FMC keypad. The main pages are:

  • INFO: This page shows some basic information about the mod, such as the version number, the developer credits, and the support links.

  • OPTIONS: This page allows you to customize some general options of the mod, such as the units, the sounds, the displays, and the failures.

  • AUDIO: This page allows you to adjust the volume levels of different sound sources of the mod, such as the engines, the cockpit, the cabin, and the environment.

  • FUEL & PAYLOAD: This page allows you to set the fuel and payload values of the aircraft, as well as the center of gravity and the fuel balance.

  • LIVERY SETTINGS: This page allows you to change some livery-specific settings of the mod, such as the winglets, the doors, the windows, and the decals.

  • CHECKLISTS: This page allows you to access and use some predefined checklists for different phases of flight, such as preflight, takeoff, cruise, descent, landing, and shutdown.

  • GROUND SERVICES: This page allows you to request and control some ground services for the aircraft, such as pushback, fuel truck, catering truck, stairs, GPU (Ground Power Unit), and chocks.

  • MAINTENANCE: This page allows you to perform some maintenance actions on the aircraft, such as repairing or replacing parts, resetting failures, or changing oil.

You can customize the mod settings by using the FMC keypad, the FMC line keys, or the mouse cursor. You can also use some keyboard shortcuts or joystick buttons that are assigned by default or by yourself. You can save and load your settings for different scenarios and profiles by using the SAVE CONFIG and the LOAD CONFIG options on the OPTIONS page.

Step 4: Enjoy flying the 737 Zibo mod in X-Plane 11

The final step to install the 737 Zibo mod is to enjoy flying this amazing aircraft in X-Plane 11. You can select the 737 Zibo mod from the aircraft menu in X-Plane 11 by clicking on New Flight, then on Select Aircraft, then on Laminar Research, and then on B737-800X ZIBO Mod. You can also use a search box or a filter to find it faster. You can load a flight with any airport, weather, time, and situation that you want.

You will notice that the 737 Zibo mod has a lot of enhancements and improvements over <

user](#message) Continue writing the article. [assistant](#message) the default 737-800 aircraft. Some of them are:

  • The cockpit: The cockpit of the Zibo mod is more detailed and realistic than the default one. It has high-resolution textures, custom lighting effects, animated switches and knobs, functional circuit breakers, working oxygen masks, realistic reflections, rain effects, and more. It also has a fully functional FMC that can perform advanced functions such as SIDs (Standard Instrument Departures), STARs (Standard Terminal Arrival Routes), VNAV (Vertical Navigation), LNAV ( Lateral Navigation), and more. It also has a custom EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) that can display charts, maps, performance calculations, checklists, and more.

  • The systems: The systems of the Zibo mod are more complex and realistic than the default ones. They simulate the behavior and interaction of various components and subsystems of the aircraft, such as the electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, fuel, engine, fire, anti-ice, bleed, pressurization, flight controls, autopilot, and more. They also model the effects of failures, malfunctions, and emergencies on the aircraft and its performance.

  • The avionics: The avionics of the Zibo mod are more advanced and realistic than the default ones. They include custom displays, gauges, indicators, radios, transponders, navigation aids, flight directors, flight management systems, terrain awareness and warning systems, traffic collision avoidance systems, weather radars, and more. They also support various modes and functions such as ILS (Instrument Landing System), RNAV (Area Navigation), GPS (Global Positioning System), VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range), DME (Distance Measuring Equipment), NDB (Non-Directional Beacon), and more.

  • The sounds: The sounds of the Zibo mod are more immersive and realistic than the default ones. They use FMOD sound engine to create high-quality 3D sound effects that vary depending on the source, location, direction, distance, speed, altitude, environment, and situation. They include engine sounds, cockpit sounds, cabin sounds, ground sounds, wind sounds, warning sounds, voice announcements, ATC (Air Traffic Control) communications, and more.

  • The flight dynamics: The flight dynamics of the Zibo mod are more accurate and realistic than the default ones. They use custom aerodynamic models and flight control laws to simulate the forces and moments that act on the aircraft during flight. They also take into account various factors such as weight, balance, drag, lift, thrust, pitch, roll, yaw, speed, altitude, temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, turbulence, and more. They also allow you to perform various maneuvers and procedures such as takeoff, landing, climb, descent, cruise, turns, stalls, spins, and more.

As you can see, the 737 Zibo mod is a very impressive and realistic aircraft that will enhance your flight simulation experience in X-Plane 11. You can update the mod regularly and get support from the developers and community by visiting the official forum thread or the Google Drive folder. You can also find some tutorials, guides, manuals, videos, liveries, and other resources online to help you learn more about the mod and how to fly it.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and install the 737 Zibo mod for X-Plane 11, as well as how to configure it according to your preferences. We have also given you an overview of what to expect from flying this amazing aircraft in X-Plane 11. We hope that you have found this article helpful and informative, and that you will enjoy flying the 737 Zibo mod as much as we do.

If you have any feedback, questions, or experiences with the mod that you would like to share with us, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us through our website. We would love to hear from you and learn from your insights. Thank you for your attention and interest.


  • Q: How do I uninstall the 737 Zibo mod?

  • A: To uninstall the 737 Zibo mod, you just need to delete the folder named B737-800X from the X-Plane 11 aircraft folder. You can also delete any other files or folders related to the mod that you have downloaded or created.

  • Q: How do I switch between the default 737-800 and the Zibo mod?

  • A: To switch between the default 737-800 and the Zibo mod, you just need to select a different aircraft from the aircraft menu in X-Plane 11. The default 737-800 is named Boeing B738 - Default XP11, while the Zibo mod is named B737-800X ZIBO Mod.

  • Q: How do I add liveries to the 737 Zibo mod?

  • A: To add liveries to the 737 Zibo mod, you need to download them from online sources such as or Google Drive, and then copy them to the liveries subfolder of the B737-800X folder. You can then select them from the livery menu in X-Plane 11.

  • Q: How do I use the autopilot of the 737 Zibo mod?

  • A: To use the autopilot of the 737 Zibo mod, you need to set up your flight plan in the FMC or use a preloaded one, and then engage the autopilot modes that you want by pressing the buttons on the MCP (Mode Control Panel) or using keyboard shortcuts or joystick buttons. You can also use the FMC or the CDU (Control Display Unit) to modify or adjust your flight plan and autopilot settings during flight.

  • Q: How do I update the 737 Zibo mod?

  • A: To update the 737 Zibo mod, you need to download the latest update file from the official sources and copy it to the B737-800X folder, overwriting any existing files. You can also use the ZIBO Updater plugin to update the mod within X-Plane 11 without having to download manually.



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